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du science Florence



Evangelista Torricelli 

Rome 15.October.1608-Florence 25.October.1647

  Biographical notes

He studied at the Jesuit fathers from 1624 to 1626 before becoming a pupil of Benedict Castles (1), a friend and disciple of Galileo Galilei. Helps In 1641 Galileo (nearly blind) in the drafting of the 'Fifth Day' Speeches and demonstrations of mathematical around two new sciences.  On the death of Galileo (1642) Ferdinand II of Physicians named him "mathematician, Grand Duke of Tuscany" and "Readers mathematics" at the University of Pisa. "At Florence devoted himself to research geometric, developing, among other things, the method the indivisible of Bonaventura Cavalieri (1598-1647) - introduced, for example, indivisible curved - and giving published in 1644, the Opera geometric. In the same year made the famous experiment that allowed to demonstrate the effects of atmospheric pressure. Struck still young from a serious illness, he died in Florence on the night between 24 and 25 October 1647.

 Notes:      (1) Letter from Torricelli to GALILEO GALILEI September 11, 1632