Rit. Kilbi
di Clinton
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Indice Scienziati




 Jack St. Clair Kilby

Jefferson City, Missouri in 1923-Dallas 20 giugno 2005
 Cenni biografici


Il padre era un ingegnere elettrotecnico e il figlio Jack segue le orme del padre. Nel 1947 è assistente elettrotecnico all'università dell'Illinois,  poi nel '50 si trasferisce all'università del Wisconsin. Durante quest'ultimo periodo (47-58) è occupato presso la ditta Centralab, Milwaukee, WI ove lavora al disegno e lo sviluppo di matrici per la serigrafia sulla ceramica.  Dal 1958 lavora alla Texas Instruments in qualità di responsabile dello sviluppo dei circuiti integrati, nel '60 si commercializzano i primi CI. Dal 1960 al 62 è responsabile del settore reti a semiconduttore ,  successivamente direttore dei laboratori di ricerca sino al 1970, oltre questa data diviene consulente della TI a part time. Dal 1978 al  1984 è docente presso   la   Texas A&M University, College  Station, TX in ingegneria elettrica. 2000 premio Nobel per la fisica

Riconoscimenti ottenuti:

1965 - Outstanding Achievement
  Award, Dallas Section Institute of
  Electronic and Electronics Engineers

 1966 - Stuart Ballantine Medal, Franklin

 1966 - David Sarnoff Award, IEEE

 1969 - National Medal of Science 

  1971 - Alumni Honor Award, College of
   Engineering, University of Illinois 

 1973 - Distinguished Alumni Award,
 University of Illinois 

 1975 - Vladimir K. Zworykin Award,
  National Academy of Engineering 

  1978 - Cledo Brunetti Award, IEEE

 1980 - Consumer Electronics Award,

 1982 - Honorary Doctor of Engineering,
 University of Miami 

 1982 - Inducted into the National
             Inventors' Hall of Fame 

 1983 - Holley Medal, American Society
             of Mechanical Engineers 

 1986 - Medal of Honor, IEEE

 1986 - Honorary Doctor of Engineering,
            Rochester Institute of Technology

 1987 - Patrick E. Haggerty Innovation
             Award, Texas Instruments

1988 - Inducted into the Engineering
            and Science Hall of Fame, Dayton, OH 

 1988 - Honorary Doctor of Science,
             University of Illinois 

 1989 - The Charles Stark Draper Prize,
             administered by the National Academy
             of Engineering 

1990 - National Medal of Technology

1993 - Kyoto Prize in Advanced

1994 - Honorary Doctor of Science,
           Southern Methodist University, Dallas,

1995 - Honorary Doctor of Electrical
           Engineering, Texas A&M University,
            College Station, TX

2000 - Nobel Prize in Physics

2001 - Honorary Doctor of Philosophy,
            Georgia Institute of Technology,
            Atlanta, GA 



What Others are Saying

November 1, 2000

Dear Jack:

I am delighted to congratulate you on receiving the 2000 Nobel Prize in Physics.

This prestigious award is a fitting tribute to your role in inventing of the integrated circuit, which has pioneered  astounding technological advancements - from space exploration and personal computers to medical diagnostic equipment and transportation systems. You can take pride in the achievements that have earned you this  distinction and in the knowledge that your work will help to improve lives for generations to come.

I commend you for this impressive accomplishment and send my best wishes for continued success.

President Bill Clinton



Miniaturized  electronic circuits US patent 3138743    06 febbraio 1959