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Heinrich Daniel Ruhmkorff

Hannover  (Allemagne) 15.January.1803 Paris 20.December.1877

 1851 Bobine de Ruhmkorff

Biographical notes   


Born in Hannover, Germany.  After a technical apprenticeship mechanic moved to England at Joseph Brahamah, inventor of the hydraulic press.  In 1855 opens in Paris where a factory builds electrical appliances high precision. In 1851 puts his "Spools" apparatus that can produce high voltages starting at a few volts battery (see profile). In 1858 the Emperor Napoleon III assigned to a prize of 50,000 francs as recognition for his electric manufactured goods.


The spool of Ruhmkorff


The spool of Ruhmkorff, or "hub induction" (1851), around the ferromagnetic core are two wrapped coils, the primary circuit,powered by a battery, and the secondary, many more turns. The primary includes a switch in series, a system that hammer interrupted periodically contact whenever the ferromagnetic core is magnetizza when current passes. After each interruption of contact, the ferromagnetic core is magnetizza and the hammer back in the starting position again closing the circuit. Thus circulating in the secondary current alternately in one hand and the next. The rochet induction was for more than half a century the only device capable of generating periodic tensions high, and was crucial for the development of research on mikrovalovnih and download in the rarefied gases. It represents a fundamental and indispensable accessory in all of the laboratories.  The ferromagnetic core, cylindrical, is made up of slabs of soft iron and is wrapped by the secondary, whose leaders finish on two terminals that surmount the rochet (spinterometro). The primary section majeure, is powered by 4 terminals arranged on the ends of the spool core. The unit was able to develop between the balls of spinterometro, sparks of short duration, high intensity and approximately 40 cm long.