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Stanley Mazor

Chicago 22.October.1941
1971 Microprocessor    
Inventor  the first microprocessor with Hoff and Faggin
Brief biographical history
1941 Born in  Chicago, U.S.A.
1963 He graduated in mathematics at San Francisco State University
1964 Work to Fairchild Semiconductor Corp..
1969 Work at Intel Corp.. In developing the project for the 4004 microprocessor, the teacher-University of Santa Clara, - Stanford University and KTH in Stockholm
1984 Director of  'Custom Engineering, Silicon Ordinateur Systems '
1996-today Director of 'Training, BEA Systems, Inc.'
Patent  3821715-Faggin, Hoff, Mazor   8 June 1974-Memory system for a multi-chip digital computer  MICROPROCESSOR