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Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge


Staffordshire 12.June.1851- Lake -Salisbury 22.August.1940 


Biographical notes



Born in Penkhull, Staffordshire, a town north of London by Oliver father and mother Grace nee Heath firstborn of a numerous family (twelve children, six brothers and six sisters). Few years after graduating in science working as assistant professor of Mathematical all 'University College London in 1881 and only the presiding chair of Physics at the University of Liverpool, since maintained for nineteen years.  In 1898 presents patent application with the title "Electric telegraphy" where the Coherer that will make the famous Lodge. In 1900 was appointed 'rector at Birmingham University who will retain office for a further nineteen years.  After a year adventure in a frontier of science that will cost some criticism, study and scientific research of paranormal phenomena. On this topic publishes different books (see bibliography) from 1908 to 1933.