Biographical notes

His tory telegraph
History telephone
Hi story radio
History TV
History components
Scientists index




Lucien Lévy


Paris March 11, 1892 in Paris May 24, 1965
1818 Superheterodine


In 1916 is responsible for laboratories military radio on the Eiffel Tower. In June of that year produces a transmitter for broadcasting by 1.5 Kw always on the tower. This period studied modulation amplitude with ultrasonic frequencies to obtain secret communications.  For get this oscillator uses an ultrasonic frequency.. 1917 deposits patent FR493660 (Système de transmission électrique à distance, applicable particulièrement à la télégraphie et téléphonie sans fil ) in which demonstrates the feasibility of using radio receiver in a local oscillator which improves the performance of the same especially for high frequencies. Next a patent filedon October 1, 1918 with the number FR506297 ( receiver system suppressors selector for telegraphy and telephony and wireless) exposes diagram of a receiver superhetherodyne.