| The
son of a glass blower, Heinrich Geissler began its activities in the
Duchy of Saxony-Werningen and practiced in many German universities,
among them the University of Monaco.
He entered as a mechanic at the University of Bonn (1852), establishing
a laboratory for the manufacture of physics and chemistry aimed at WHT
and E. Meyer Pflüger. Pflüger. The
university grants
him the title of doctor honoris causa in 1868. Very passionate
about your work, very clever in manual work, has many links with
researchers from the laboratory and is sought for the preparation of
various scientific instruments. Per J. To J.
Plücker, a
Bonn, Geissler fabbrica i primi termometri di precisione a capillare di
vetro, e, nel 1863, costruisce, sul principio del termometro
minimo di Casella, termometri a massimo. J.-P.
Plücker, in
Bonn, the first factory Geissler thermometers precision glass
capillary, and, in 1863, built on the principle of a minimum
thermometer Casella, thermometers maximum. In 1858, Plücker
appeals to his dexterity for construction series of rarefied gas pipes,
which gave his name 'Geissler tubes', although the invention is J.-P.
Gassiot (amico di Faraday) . Gassiot (friend of Faraday). Since 1855,
Geissler builds a vacuum pump mercury for the production of empty very
driven (1 / 100 millimeters of mercury). They must also recognition for
welding in the glass-metal tubes that Plücker Geissler used
the study of electrical discharges in the rarefied gases.
Towards 1860, Geissler manages to convert phosphorus white phosphorus
red "with electricity", ie electrical charge; what has won the medal of
merit in the arts and sciences, on the occasion of International
Vienna. | | |