Rit. Watson
Indice Scienziati


William Watson

Londra  3.4.1715   -   Londra 10.5.1787
An account of the experiments made by some gentlemen of the royal society, in order  to discover whether the electrical power would be sensible at great distances. With  an experimental inquiry concerning the respective velocities of electricity and sound. To which are added, some further inquiries into the nature and properties of  electricity; communicated to the Royal society, by William Watson. London, Printed   for C. Davis, 1748.     [1], 90 p. illus. 20.5 cm.    Bound with Lovett, R. The subtil medium prov'd. London, 1756.   In Ronalds, Wheeler 352, Gartrell 547.
Experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of   electricity. In one letter to Martin Folkes and two to the Royal Society. By William   Watson. The 2nd ed. London, Printed for C. Davis, 1746. [1], viii, 3-59 p. 20.5 cm.   Bound with Lovett, R. The subtil medium prov'd. London, 1756.     In Ronalds.
Experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of  electricity. In one letter to Martin Folkes, and two to the Royal society, by William   Watson. London, Printed for C. Davis, 1746. 59 p. 21.8 cm.  Provenance: Ex Libris Brent Gration-Maxfield. 1966 (inscription)      In Ronalds.
Experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and properties of   electricity. In one letter to Martin Folkes and two to the Royal Society, by William Watson. The 2nd ed. London, Printed for C. Davis, 1746.    [1], viii, 3-59 p. 1 plate. 19.4 cm.  Provenance: Ex Libris Drs. Th: Renz (ink stamp)
A sequel to the experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and  properties of electricity: wherein it is presumed, by a series of experiments expresly or that purpose, that the source of the electrical power, and its manner of acting are demonstrated. Addressed to the Royal Society. By William Watson. London, Printed    for C. Davis, 1746.  [1], 80 p. 1 fold. plate. 20.5 cm.  Bound with Lovett, R. The subtil medium prov'd. London, 1756.  In Ronalds, Wheeler 333b, Gartrell 55
Saggio intorno all' elettricità de' corpi Nollet (Jean Antoine, abbé), Sir William Watson
G. Pasquali, 1747 - 254 pagine
Experiences et observations, pour servir a l'explication de la nature et de proprietés de l'électricité. Proposées en trois lettres à la Societé royale de Londres, par Guill. Watson. Tr. de l'anglois d'aprŠs la seconde edition. Paris, Chez S. Jorry, 1748. xii,  141 p. 2 fold. plates. 16.8 cm.
Observations upon the effects of electricity, applied to a tetanus, or muscular rigidity, of four months continuance. In a letter to the Royal Society, by William Watson.      London, 1764.<> 10-26 p. 21.2 cm.  Extract from the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, v. 53.
A sequel to the experiments and observations tending to illustrate the nature and  properties of electricity: wherein it is presumed, by a series of experiments expresly      for that purpose, that the source of the electrical power, and its manner of acting are   demonstrated. Addressed to the Royal Society, by William Watson. London, Printed  for C. Davis, 1746.  [1], 80 p. 1 fold. plate. 21.8 cm.  Provenance: Ex Libris Brent Gration-Maxfield. 1966 (inscription)    In Ronalds, Wheeler 333b, Gartrell 550.